Why this module?

Buildings have one of the highest energy consumption levels. On average, 70% of the total energy consumption of the building goes to heating and preparing the hot water, while 30% go to lighting the rooms and powering electrical appliances. Therefore, it is important to know how much energy is being consumed per hour, per day or month in order to make further decisions to decrease it. 

How does this module work?

The operation of this module is based on manual inserting or automated reading of the energy consumption data. The user can choose to enter the data manually or link automated data import from other service providers. For example, Latvian DSO “Sadales tīkls” offers their clients to obtain hourly electricity consumption data. After the data are entered, the user can view them and assess, how the energy consumption has changed, e.g., in comparison to the baseline and depending on the outside temperature. This helps to understand, whether there is any action needed for reducing the energy costs, and what decisions should be made.

What are the benefits of this module?

It allows to track consumption of each building. As the monthly heat and electricity bills keep growing, the question of how much energy the building is using, and how those bills could be cut back is becoming vitally important. The easiest way to reduce the energy consumption in the building is to start with changing the behavioural habits, for example, adjusting the heating system settings for evenings and weekends, apply proper ventilation, conscious use of electrical appliances and other habits. The platform allows to track the energy consumption and the optimisation achieved through behavioural habits or introduced energy efficiency measures, based on which new goals can be set. 

Possibility to compare the buildings one to another. The platform offers a variety of options how to compare the buildings – through chart tools, through management review module, or through downloading the data in a separate file. 

Possibility to arrange competitions between the buildings. Owners of the buildings are often struggling with motivating the building users to act and to change their habits. But the answer is simple: organise a competition between the users of the buildings. The platform is the right tool to hold such competition, to motivate the users, providing the summarized results. It is suitable not only for the offices, but also for schools, kindergartens, and culture centres. 

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Why this module?

Street lighting is one of the sectors where the energy consumption can be easily tracked, and energy efficiency measures with short payback periods implemented. Taking into account the data availability, it is important to monitor the consumption, especially deviations in the various energy efficiency indicators. 

How does this module work?

The operation of this module is based on manual entering or automated reading of the energy consumption data for each distribution point (meter) of the public lighting. The data entry can be arranged in accordance with your individual preferences. For example, national distribution system operators already now offers their clients a service (API key) to ensure automated upload of the hourly consumption from their system to the platform. Upon automated data reading, the platform also automatically calculates the hours of operation of the street lighting, which ensures more precise data on the actual time of operation of the street lighting in order to be adjusted in accordance with the necessary level of lighting. After the data are entered, the user can view them and assess, how the energy consumption has changed in every section and compare it to the average and base line indicators, for example, assess, how the power consumption has changed for a luminaire. Having all this information, the street lighting operator can decide on the potential energy efficiency measures and monitor their implementation.

What are the benefits of this module?

Possibility to track consumption of each section of the public lighting system. As the electricity prices keep growing, every kilowatt hour spent matters. The platform allows the user to conveniently monitor hourly electricity consumption of each section, for example, is it on or off, as well as deviations from the base line consumption, and take action whenever necessary. Upon carrying out replacement of the inefficient luminaires, the platform provides a clear overview of whether the electricity savings have been achieved or not. 

Possibility to detect deviations from the baseline. The platform offers options to compare the lighting sections and their performance indicators. The platform offers a variety of options how to compare them – through chart tools, through management review module, or through downloading the data in a separate file.

A possibility to compare the lighting sections. The platform offers various options to compare the sections of the lighting and their numbers with one another by using chart tools, Management Report module, or by downloading data into a separate file. 

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Why this module?

Every year municipalities and companies should report on their performance, but often they lack time for it or do not have clear understanding about how to do it. The management review module developed in accordance with the requirements of ISO 50001, will allow to prepare the annual report that will provide a clear view of the achieved results and set goals for the next year. 

How does this module work?

The management rerview is a type of a report automatically generated in the platform containing all the chapters required in accordance with ISO 50001 standard. It includes a section on the historical energy consumption, which automatically contains the data summarized by the platform from the building, street lighting and/or vehicle fleet modules. This section provides a clear overview of all the objects listed in the energy management system in the reporting year and all the previous years, as well as the amount of energy saved or overconsumed. The management review also has sections providing data on the top energy consumers, total costs, and, based on the numbers of the previous year, you can define new goals and plan your next actions.

What are the benefits of this module?

A tool for assessment of the efficiency of the energy management system. The management review is a document that helps to assess the efficiency of the energy management system, as well as provide a short and concise overview of the achievements and follow-up actions in the field of energy management.

Saves time. A management review of a certain period automatically includes the data collected by other modules in the platform. Upon preparing the report, all you need to do is review the data and add other information required. Preparing a management review will no longer take days, it will be ready in just a few hours.  

Standardised annual solution. The management review in the platform is designed in a way to comply with the requirements of ISO 50001 standard, and also to be an informative and useful summary of the introduced energy management system. It will help set forth realistic goals and assess their fulfilment. 

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Why this module?

Public transport is essential part of daily life for many people. And even though the commuters do not really care about the fuel expenses, they form a major part of the costs of the public transport. Fuel accounting depending on the number of commuters and the types of transportation and routes is especially important from the point of view of expenses, as well as possibility to plan the routes more effectively. Public transport module allows you to track the public transport costs, control its efficient use, and identify the best energy efficiency measures or the inefficient consumption of the fuel. 

How does this module work?

Monthly data on the mileage, fuel consumption and the number of the commuters are entered manually for each public transport route. After the data is entered, the user can assess, how the fuel consumption, number of commuters and other indicators have changed in comparison to the baseline and against performance indicators. It helps one to make decisions on the necessary actions to decrease the fuel costs, as well as improve the quality of the service provided.

What are the benefits of this module?

Possibility to track the consumption data of each route. One of the fundamental tasks of the public transport is to ensure higher flow of commuters. The second important aspect is to do it in as environmentally friendly as possible. In each public transport route, it matters how much fuel is being consumed per passenger-kilometer. The lower this ratio is, the better. The platform offers all this information summarized in one place. 

Possibility to compare routes and their performance indicators.The platform offers various options of comparing the public transport routes and their performance indicators with one another through chart tools, management account module or data download in a separate file. 

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Why this module?

A vehicle fleet consisting of cars and other vehicles of an organisation is often being overlooked, because the data on the fuel consumption and mileage end up in the accounting department. Usually, the fuel consumption is just an assumption, and even the organisation itself has no idea how much it actually spends, or if it could cut the costs by introducing behaviour change measures.  

How does this module work?

Monthly data are entered into the module manually about each vehicle. After the data are uploaded, the user can assess, how the fuel consumption and performance indicators of the vehicle have changed against the baseline. The summarized data on the vehicle fleet of a municipality or a company provides a comprehensive view of the lifetime of the vehicles, consumption and users’ habits, as well as possibilities to switch to more environmentally friendly means of transportation. 

What are the benefits of this module?

All data in one place. While currently the data on the number of vehicles, fuel consumption and other costs are most often stuck in the accounting department, not being used for any further analysis, the platform offers a possibility to not only assess the amount of fuel consumed by the vehicles of the municipality / company, but also the efficiency of operation of the vehicles. Additionally, all data about the vehicles will be stored and available in one place at any time.  

A tool for planning the municipality transport. Municipalities often have a rather large number of vehicles, and if the municipalities are merged, the number of vehicles doubles, leading to several vehicles performing the same functions, for example, trucks, tractors etc. The platform, in this case, can help improve the transport use planning and allows one to make fact-based decisions about more efficient use of the vehicle fleet. 

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Why this module?

Jautājums par pašvaldību spēju pielāgoties klimata pārmaiņām šobrīd kļūst arvien aktuālāks. Tas visbiežāk ir saistīts ar plūdiem, bet ir arī citi izaicinājumi, piemēram, ilgstošs sausums, kaitēkļi u.c. Tādējādi jautājumi, kas skar pašvaldības infrastruktūras spēju pielāgoties klimata pārmaiņu radītājām sekām, arvien biežāk nokļūst pašvaldību dienaskārtībās. Pielāgošanās klimata pārmaiņām modulis (turpmāk – klimata modulis) ir ērts un viegli pārskatāms rīks, kurā var uzsākt veidot ne tikai datu uzskaiti par nozīmīgākajiem klimata riskiem un to ietekmi uz dažādiem sektoriem pašvaldībā, bet arī izvirzīt un sekot līdzi pielāgošanās pasākumu ieviešanai.

How does this module work?

Modulī tiek apkopota informācija pārskatu veidā, kuri satur izvēlētos sektorus, riskus un indikatorus, kurus lietotājs var izvēlēties no piedāvātā klāsta vai izveidot jaunus. Pārskatā var veidot arī veicamo pasākumu sarakstu, sasaistot konkrētus indikatorus ar pasākumiem šo indikatoru uzlabošanai, kas lieliski noder darbu izpildes motivācijai un sistemātiskai uzskaitei. Pārskati tiek veidoti par vienu kalendāro gadu, un tiek piedāvāti trīs sarežģītības līmeņi, atbilstoši pašvaldības kapacitātei pielāgoties klimata pārmaiņām.

What are the benefits of this module?

Sekot līdzi pašvaldības ievainojamībai. Lai aizpildītu pārskatu, ir nepieciešams uzsākt datu vākšanu un saprast, kuri sektori ir tie, kurus ar klimatu saistītie riski apdraud visvairāk un spēj potenciāli radīt vislielākos zaudējumus. Tas ļaus arī turpmāk pašvaldībai uzsākt sarunas ar visām iesaistītajām pusēm par katra sektora riskiem, kas citādi, iespējams, nekad nenotiktu. Katram pasākumam ir iespēja pievienot arī skaitlisku mēru, indikatorus, kas ļaus novērtēt, vai pašvaldības spēja pielāgoties klimata pārmaiņām ir uzlabojusies un kā mazināt klimata pārmaiņu izraisītos zaudējumus.

Iespēja pielāgot riskus un indikatorus savām specifiskajām vajadzībām. Katra pašvaldība ir unikāla, arī klimata un bioloģiskās daudzveidības kontekstā, un ir riski, kas apdraud vienu pašvaldību, bet neapdraud citu. Klimata modulī ir pieejams plašs risku un indikatoru klāsts, bet papildus tam, ir iespējams ievadīt savus unikālos riskus un to indikatorus, kuriem sekot līdzi gadu gaitā.

Iespēja sekot līdzi pielāgošanās pasākumu izpildei un efektivitātei. Pārskatā jānorāda katra pasākuma ieviešanas termiņš un statuss, kas motivēs sagatavot turpmāku darbības plānu un neļaus atlikt pielāgošanās pasākumu ieviešanu. Ilgtermiņā uzkrātā informācija ļaus izdarīt secinājumus par pašvaldības paveikto pielāgošanās jomā.

Iespēja ērti piekļūt un izmantot monitoringa pārskatu. Pārskata rezultāts ir ērts un vienkāršs datu kopsavilkums, kuru var pārrunāt pašvaldības iekšējās sanāksmēs un izmantot tālāku mērķu izvirzīšanai. Pārskats glabājas platformā un jebkurā laikā ir pieejams izmaiņām un papildinājumiem, padarot to ļoti dinamisku un elastīgu.

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